Professional Certified, Remote Animal Communication & Healing & Workshops
For Workshops & Classes, visit us at mindbodyspiritworkshops.com
For Workshops & Classes, visit us at mindbodyspiritworkshops.com
*Intake form (below) autofills your phone and email so you may have to retype it yourself.. You will be emailed an invoice which is to be paid before I start session. I will talk to animal 1st remotely, then we will do a phone session, and provide you with notes. I look forward to helping you & your beloved animals.
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Loli Jane is an International, Professional, Certified Animal Communicator, Pranic Healer, Channeler, Teacher, Mentor & Podcaster. She offers Remote or In-Person, Animal Communication & Energy Healing with an " Interspecies-Therapy" approach to find root causes and solutions for many animal issues including: Behavioral, Emotional, Obedience, Training, Physical or Health, Trauma, Injury, Illness, Disease, Death, dying & End of Life Decisions, Talking to Animals in Spirit, Help locating lost pets,, past lives, animal mirroring, and more!. I talk directly to your animal, using telepathy; the primary language animals, to find out the root causes and details of specific issues, what they are trying to show or tell you and what your animal needs from you. I will also provide a full set of notes. I offer Animal Communication Training Workshops & Certification. I also offer Spiritual Guidance & Channeling Angel/Guides or Channeling Your Innate Body for Health Issues.
Check Us Out at Awaken Center for Human Evolution:
International, Remote or In-Person In-depth, Animal Communication to resolve issues, includes phone session (on phone, What's App) and notes.
To find root causes and solutions. For all kinds of animal issues including: behavioral, emotional, obedience, training, animal mirroring, physical, health, trauma, pain, injury, disease, dying, end of life decision, talking to animals in Spirit, past lives, reincarnation and soul animals, fosters, adoptions, help locate lost animal & more. Any animals domestics or exotics.
Remote or In-Person for both animal s and humans. Pranic Healing (aka Medical Qi Gong)
Highly effective and saves time & money. Does not require diagnosis. Pranic Healing or Medical Qi Gong is a non-touch healing modality, including chakra balancing session for emotional, trauma, or physical problems. Healing sessions do not replace allopathic or veterinary medicine; nor diagnose or prescribe treatments. I do recommendation Aromatherapy, Nutrition. I recommend doing an Animal Communication Session 1st; so I can find out root causes/details, especially if it is animal mirroring.
Remote or In-Person for Humans. $450 for whole package
Heal Your broken heart and grief by communicating directly with your beloved animal in Spirt who has passed.. Ask Any questions you may have and alleviate any guilt you may have.
Pranic Psychotherapy Healing Session for you, to balance Chakras and help release grief & neutralize your emotions. You will feel much lighter after.
Past Life Session to look at three lifetimes where you and your animals incarnated together & how they helped you with your lessons
Remote or In-Person for Humans
Live channeling session to talk to your Angels, Guides & Higher Soul (I AM Presence) to Receive Guidance and Answer any Questions You May Have (1-hour by phone or what's app)
Live channeling session to talk to your Innate Body, for Health Concerns. (1-hour by phone or what's app)
Live on Zoom or Live Event: For more information visit us at mindbodyspiritworkshops.com
Become a Professional Animal Communicator. Learn Animal Communication, What questions to ask; How to work with specific issues: Behavioral,, Obedience, Emotional, Physical/Health, End of Life decisions, Talking to animals in Spirit, that have crossed-over, past live sessions, Animal Mirroring, Aromatherapy, Marketing, Social Media, etc. See Calendar on mindbodyspiritworkshops.com
Beginning animal communicator or just a little rusty and need a tune-up. Personalized animal communication mentoring and reviewing cases (1-hour).
We offer both 1-hour classes and full day workshops on everything related to mind, body, and spirit, to open your mind, heart and spirit and unleash your potential. To learn more about classes & workshops visit our other website at mindbodyspiritworkshops.com
For Calendar & Registration: https://mindbodyspiritworkshops.com/calendar
Refund Policy: I work very hard for you and your animals, so No Refunds or Credits
"Rusty fully cooperated with the practice blood draw: he was so cooperative, in fact he put his hand right up to vet tech without me saying anything. Loli helped them to understand that they need to be more cooperative in their medical training, allowing us to take blood from them voluntarily and to be able to do an ultra sound. Without there cooperation, we would have to put them under anesthesia. He has been trying to be so helpful in his training.I don’t see the aggression that much, but it seems like he’s been sweeter and nicer. Rusty came straight in when I brought him into the enclosures. Lastly, Loli reminded me that my thoughts can affect the animals behaviors and I need to remember that bad behaviors, does not mean a bad animal. So I try my best to think, pleasant and caring thoughts when I am around the animals I work with. Not only just the Orangutans."
Malia Davis, Honolulu Zoo Keeper, Honolulu, HI
"Loli is a very gifted Animal Communicator and has greatly improved my way of thinking and caring for two beautiful Great Apes, Rusti and Violet. She helped me understand them and see their lives in a Zoo through their eyes. She captures their personalities and shared their likes and dislikes. She helped to facilitate an understanding between the two of them, sort of a like a marriage counsellor, because they have had an upset in their relationship. I hope that the message finally gets out that our Animals do hear us, understand us and are respected for being very complex thinking being"
Malia Davis, Honolulu Zoo Keeper, Honolulu, HI
"Loved the true connection between Mari and Loli, and really showing Mari's personality perfectly. Loli once again has brought to light the core essence of a beautiful animal, named Mari. Mari is a big beautiful, majestic Elephant which has so much wisdom to share with all who will listen. I have worked with Mari for many years and know a lot about her as she has been a friend and a companion to me. I know all her mannerisms and her likes and dislikes. Loli described Mari’s personality and behaviors perfectly. I was able to validate this. I know in my heart that Mari wants to share her message to humanity. "Humanity needs to wake up and know that they are more than the body, they are more than the physical, there is a whole world “in there” that they would be astounded by.They can connect with their divinity and have all the knowledge of the earth, like animals, plants and trees have. We are all interconnected to this." I know that some people are not ready to believe an animal can communicate with humans and this all may seem strange, but if we can all sit quiet and open our hearts to the possibility, we may be able to hear the animals speak their wisdom and learn from them." Malia Davis, Head Zookeeper, Honolulu Zoo, Honolulu HI
"Blackie was able to communicate that his front right paw was sore from an old injury. This is also the paw that he does not like to present well for claw trim. I now believe he was not presenting because of an old injury I was not aware of. I always believed that Sunbears were way more intelligent than we humans could comprehend, this session confirmed my beliefs and gave me insight into the mind of Blackie. I feel like I will be able to listen more to what Blackie is telling me, and I will be more in tune with his body language to interpret his needs. I will be especially attentive to his front right foot. I loved hearing that he appreciates our talks and will do it with more confidence now that I know he genuinely appreciates it. It is also heart warming to hear that speaking for the animals was picked up on, as I know that is my purpose, and I made a promise to all the Sunbears that I will be a voice for them as long as I live. Adrienne Watkins, Honolulu Zoo Keeper, Honolulu, HI
“Loli, After you talked to Makana about being euthanized versus going naturally, he decided he wanted to go until the end, and pass naturally. Makana passed on his own terms. He laid down on the ground, and wanted to be covered in pink flowers (like you mentioned). After his passing, I saw another zookeeper putting flowers on his tail, and had a vision of all the primates, who had previously passed, also placing flowers on his spine. Death is not a final thing.It’s just us leaving the shell of a body, he is still with us, and always will be. He waited for me then he left, he wanted me to witness this. I’ll keep it as a treasured gift that he allowed me to be there for that. I did feel it. Thank You.” Malia Davis, Head Zookeeper, Honolulu Zoo
Moxie shared, "Moxie's soul purpose was to be a reflexion for the humans. She shared:"I know my divinity but their energy is emanating from them like a dirty cloud. Clear your dirty clouds, you are affecting other beings. Connect upward with the beings of light and swim in cleansing waters, to help clear. I wish more beings were open to our knowledge and intelligence. They know basic needs but don’t want to cross that boundary. It feels like they are scared of knowing the truth ,that I can talk to them like a friend or family member. They are mostly trying to control us out of fear of us. We are not to be feared. I am fierce but also kind and compassionate.."
Moxie the Lioness, Honolulu Zoo, Honolulu, HI
Seattle shared: "I am a gentle soul; I mean no harm. We like to be approached in heart-centered way. Where the humans feel love for us instead of fear. Why don’t the others talk to me like this? I have certainly enjoyed speaking to a human. I love the humans, they are my rescuers but I would like to speak to them on a different level. Do not be afraid of me." Oh and he called me "Mistress" which I got a kick out of. Seattle, Sumatra Tiger, Honolulu Zoo, Honolulu, HI
“I met Loli walking her Jackson Chameleon on Magic Sands beach and of course, I engaged, never having seen a human walking her chameleon. This meeting, I came to understand, was meant to be. As we chatted she talked to me about Lakshmi, the chameleon, and how Lakshmi was a bit agitated that day and let Loli know she wanted to take a walk. Well, she had me right then and there. Loli let me know she was an animal communicator and I was 100% in. When I returned to NY I sent Loli a picture of my dog Bosco and she had a telepathic "chat" with him through images he sent and then, when he got more comfortable with her, telepathically. That was conversation #1. And WOW, the feedback she gave us about our pup's answers to her gentle questions was beyond what I imagined. They led us to understand what the meaning was behind some of his behaviors. She confirmed what I suspected was his perception of his job and soul purpose. He let her know what was making him feel anxious, what gave him joy, how he felt about his feline family, what his favorite activities & foods were, and so much more. Loli was kind, never demanding that he answer, let him know he was safe with her and she would be able to communicate whatever he wanted to his humans. By session #2, he couldn't wait to chat with her! All of this led to great suggestions about how we could better ease his anxieties, understand what his barks meant, and what he was trying to communicate to us with certain behaviors he was expressing. For those of you wondering, this is a real thing. As Loli walked me through her conversation with Bosco there were things he mentioned that she could never have known about, things that only we, his family, knew. So many of her behavioral suggestions for us, his humans, panned out. His behaviors have changed because we now have a better understanding of his needs and his feelings. We now know better what to say and do to assuage his anxiety, and what we've been doing correctly all along as well. We love this dog, as you all love your animals. We are connecting to him AND to each other in much healthier, gentler, kinder, more loving ways, all because of this pup's conversations with this amazing human, Loli, who I met, serendipitously, on Magic Sands beach one very fine day, a day that changed our lives in ways I could never imagine, ways that have helped this combined pet & human family grow beneficially, personally and emotionally.” Susan Vitolo, Redhook, NY
"We have really appreciated you help and support with training issues, and have seen improvements in a very short time. There was a lot uncovered that I did not know, because of you. Maddox has been a lot more relaxed with other dogs he has attacked in the past and on on walks and the lanai. I’m developing more trust that he’s not going to jump over and run away. A few friends have also commented that he seems more relaxed."Talia Cohen, Kailua-Kona, HI
"Thanks to Loli's work with my energetic yet uncertain 19-month old rescue dog, I have learned so much and developed a much deeper understanding of Toffee's personality and needs. First thing was that I needed to change the name the animal shelter staff gave him! And then, I needed to work with him more on a gentle and understanding basis so we could become a team. I am so grateful, because after just a couple weeks Toffee has become happier, his potty-training issues have disappeared and he is proudly walking by my side! He expressed what he thought his soul purpose was to Loli, and now that I know this I believe can help him achieve and exceed what he thinks he is capable of. As a result of our work with Loli, Toffee is rising to all occasions, my cat has become more accepting of Duke, and we are all so much more settled emotionally and more in sync as a unit. I look forward to communicating with Toffee again later, to check in and see how he perceives himself after I work to implement the findings from Loli's initial communication with him.".Cynthia Sabatini, Simi Valley, CA
"We have sought help from several equine professionals without any luck as far as what the problem is or how to fix it. We went to 3 vets, and 3 farriers with no diagnosis or treatment options. It has been very frustrating not find any answers to help fix her problems. Your suggestion to have the energy healing done has been an amazing thing for Annie! She has been running, jumping, bucking and playing like she’s not been able to in I don’t even know how long. All around she seems much happier and more comfortable, vibrant and content since the energy healing, Additionally, following up on our conversation I have been letting my son spend more time brushing her, feeding her and giving her treats since she had said that she really loves the children, and it seems like she really likes that. I’ve had animal communicators help me with my horses before; but I have never had someone suggest something that has made such a HUGE difference for one of my horses, and I am so thankful for that! I have truly been blown away by the positive results I have seen in her after just one session. I look forward to continue working with you in the future!! THANK YOU!!! Lindsey Landis, Farmersville, OH
"I was impressed with the communication about the green apple; prior to session, I had just brought her a green apple. You mentioned that she likes alfalfa and the pellets, which she is now getting alfalfa pellets. She looks healthier, and seems a little better after, your communication and healing session, she is moving around better. Her body looks so much better, her weight is improving, her coat is improving, worm issues went away; following deworming treatments. I will be doing recommended Bach remedies. Luna was happy to see me, and was really enjoying my company, we held each other, and I had a good cry. She was very responsive, and seemed to care about me. She is now picking up all of her feet, so I could clean her;she wasn’t doing that before, probably because of pain. She’s not nipping at people as much. Really grateful, from having you arrive, to share this with me…just in a lot of gratitude, will help Luna and I explore and deepen our relationships. The knowing, confirmations, and being validated. I really appreciate it. You are highly gifted, what you said, blows my mind, and I believe it."Bobbie Ikegami, Salt Lake City, UT
"After your session, the vet determined her thyroid med was too low. We've adjusted it and also put her on a low dose pain medication. She seems a lot more comfortable and even played with a string yesterday. We are not giving her iv fluids but we found a salt free chicken broth she likes. I think the main take-away from our session was that she's in pain. That information helped us make the decision for the pain medication and we're pleased with the results.
Many thanks, Patricia and Nancy."Patty & Nancy Loughrey, Long Beach, CA
"After long emotional session about my cat mirroring my health issues, I did a Forgiveness” session with Loli, that was powerful, amazing, and left me vibrating. I felt such a strong, gentle love with my mother, that I needed to forgive. Now, Herbie is improving in health issue and is full of energy and his tail is up. The “Forgiveness” session with Loli was the best, most complete one out of all the amazing ones. I feel that she had me bond with my mother in so many ways, from every angle until our bond was so tight and eternal." Jean Martin, Flagstaff, AZ
"Loli told me many times that I must forgive my mother and her female ancestors in order to heal my cat's impacted bowel. Since my cat was a mirror for my digestion problems, I must heal my bowel, the energy to my root chakra, and my connection with my mother and her mother. I never knew my grandmother and my mother never spoke of her, so I deduced that there was a huge problem there. Little did I know that Loli would guide me through her best session yet! Loli approached my issue from many different angles until I was so connected with my female ancestors. Now, I have a close spiritual bond, that I will always have with my mother (even when she passes), and I know her mother and her mother. I know why my mother developed the way she did, and I have my cat's impacted bowel to thank, and Loli's thoroughness and unbelievable healing skills. I feel so happy and powerful🙂!. "
Jean Martin, Flagstaff, AZ
“Loli, After you talked to Makana about being euthanized versus going naturally, he decided he wanted to go until the end, and pass naturally. Makana passed on his own terms. He laid down on the ground, and wanted to be covered in pink flowers (like you mentioned). After his passing, I saw another zookeeper putting flowers on his tail, and had a vision of all the primates, who had previously passed, also placing flowers on his spine. Death is not a final thing.It’s just us leaving the shell of a body, he is still with us, and always will be. He waited for me then he left, he wanted me to witness this. I’ll keep it as a treasured gift that he allowed me to be there for that. I did feel it. Thank You.” Malia Davis, Head Zookeeper, Honolulu Zoo
"You’re an enlightenment and the animals really need you! Your compassion and patience in letting us share our pain. You made this a lot easier for us, and gave us great peace. Not only do you feel it but you expressed it to reach us on a soul level. It was such a blessing and comfort that you didn’t rush us through the process and gave us a sense of security. You made the difficult part feel easier. It’s a wonderful feeling a sense of peace in our heart, like we connected deeper with Logan than the last 11 years. I was always a non-believer, and you hit the nail on the head with Logan with things that only we knew and were very thorough." Carol & Jared Herring, Newcastle, WA
"The reading made us closer than ever. It was interesting to find out how many past lives. Unfortunately, it was an end of life exploration, but it was enlightening." Shirley Gastmann, Lutz, FL
"I loved the confirmation of the way I feel inside about him; the bond was confirmed for me. Found it very interesting, some people think animals don’t have souls; it was very important and validating for me and everything I thought to be true. The best part was the validation of my relationship; and learning and hearing something that you would never have known otherwise.
What a cool choice of occupation. I thought I was a cat Whisperer. It’s was great.." Joy Pfefferkorn, Cedar Hill, TX
"It was so comforting, and got closure, so happy to have this information. I liked the questions that you asked. I sensed the compassion in you, doing what you are doing, that goes a long way, I got more than I expected, and that’s a beautiful thing. It’s like a slice of your favorite cake with a cherry on top, sealed with a kiss! Awesome, awesome, awesome, thank you…my heart is happy and light and grateful!. "Mary Walston, Kailua-Kona, HI
"The animal communication session on my dog that passed away, helped me feel close to my dog that is gone; and made me feel like my dog is still here. It's heart-warming to be able to feel your dog again. Interesting to be reminded of the little things that were important parts and memories of your life." Susan H, Boca Raton, FL
“My dog has been over protective of me since my husband died (by suicide) and it’s been difficult to cope with him and my own emotions. Loli helped us by doing past life regressions and it really helped me understanding his behavior, and of course mine. My husband’s suicide totally devastated me, I became a walking dead and was surprised every day that I was still alive. We were the perfect team, not always agreeing but always loving and deeply connected, at least that’s how I felt. I really, really had a hard time accepting that he left me and his son this way …. until I asked Loli for help and her communication with him made all the difference! It’s still hard to be alone but I can accept the reason he had to leave.
Thanks and lots of love, Kath!” Kath Kirk, Los Angeles, CA & Switzerland
"Thank you so much for your help. This session and the session devoted to Leia were very powerful and insightful for me. Below is a testimonial for your site. Let me know of any questions. Thanks, Mark. My wife and I first worked with Loli when our dog passed. That session was very powerful and revealed a long history between our dog and myself, so I followed up for a past life regression. The past life session was incredibly insightful and helpful. It revealed many patterns still present in my current lifetime. It brought new perspective to the source of a couple issues I have been dealing with, anger and guilt, that I hadn't been able to understand previously. Thanks to Loli I now have new information that will help me change my outlook and release these issues." Thanks Loli! Mark, Kailua Kona, HI
"The surprise element to it and how involved I am personally in the experience. It was so informative, entertaining, It felt like it had value and merit.. I liked the way that you put people at ease, and how you handled the information, and how if would make sense. Your intuition doesn’t only go to the animal communication but good instincts on how to relay information. I appreciate all your time and effort in the work that you’re doing; to care enough about me and my children, to take the time that you did. I feel touched. I’ve been trying to pay attention to him and speak with him more, and keep in the loop, reassure him, and including him in our life. He seems a little more relaxed, and trusting."Christina D'arcangelo, Brightwaters, NY
"My dog, Ollie, was missing almost 7 days. Ollie is a beagle and he has escaped many times, but always returned home the same day. So, I was really worried this time, to say the least. He didn’t just run off from our house either, he ran off from an unfamiliar area where there are lots of forest and wildlife. I was scared and I knew Ollie had to be frightened as well, as he is an inside dog who sleeps under my covers at night. A few hours went by from our original call, and I received a call that someone had Ollie! Someone saw him running through the orchard and when the person called for him, he went right over to her. He still had his collar on so she was able to call me and I picked my baby up right away! I then called Loli to inform her that I was going to get Ollie. Loli was so excited for us. She genuinely cares about the work she is doing and that really shows. Loli went through the transcript with me, of her and Ollie’s conversation while he was missing, and she was coaching him to find a human, find an animal, the nearest house. Those few hours between Loli and me speaking, she was communicating with Ollie, helping him find his way out. She was telling him that we were looking for him and I believe that Loli brought my baby home! If it weren’t for her helping him find his way out, I truly believe the outcome would have been different. I can’t thank Loli enough! I’ll be a client for life. Everyone is so happy to have Ollie home. Thank you so much for helping us bring him home. Xoxo" Beth Morris, Santa Barbara, CA
“Words cannot express how fortunate I feel to have found Loli. Loli had the hardest challenge of finding and bringing my feral cat back to my home from her home in the vast nearby forest. Loli helped me to understand Gayla’s world, her soul purpose, her likes, and her dreams. Now, I know that she is more powerful, resourceful, and brave than I thought, and how similarity of our dreams and goals. I appreciate her so much more than before she left my home. I discovered, through Loli, that Gayla wanted to return in her own time, after completing her mission in the forest. Loli kept me calm, encouraged me to have hope, and to keep shining my heart-light, so that Gayla could find her way back to me. Gayla finally came home after 3 ½ weeks, when I made myself and my home more peaceful. In Gayla’s words, “Thank you for helping our family! Thank you again for the immense pleasure of caring for Gayla and Herbie!” "You are an excellent communicator. You went above and beyond expectations. It was very thorough. Liked part of communication of what she thought of and what she likes, I want her to be happy and comfortable with me. I liked you advised me to shine my heart light, and asked about her soul purpose. I liked what you had to give also. Thank you so much for communicating with Gayla. That really eased my mind, just knowing she is alive! Today, I will make my heart light brighter to help her find me. Your conversation with her was impressive in its depth."Jean Martin, Flagstaff Arizona
“I wanted to share my experience with Loli Jane, Animal Communicator. Some background: I compete on horseback almost every weekend and my dogs are like my shadows. They go to every horse show with us, they are used to traveling and being new places away from home. We actually rarely even keep them on a leash because they do not ever leave our side. They’re kind of obsessed. I run a horse farm for a living so they’re with me all day, everyday. That being said, we were at a horse show and after an accident I had to take my boyfriend to a hospital. Some friends decided to try to help us out and let our dogs out to potty. They got scared and frantically started looking for us at this facility and could not find us. So they ran. I’ve heard people talk about dogs going into survival mode and losing their minds when they are lost and scared, but I have never seen it happen, until then. We looked for these dogs the rest of the night and the next few days at the show facility. Finally when we spotted one, but she would not come to us, she would just run and not even look at us even though I know she could hear us calling her. We were out in big fields in farmland and they were just running, they had no idea where. I never would have thought that my dog hearing my voice wouldn’t stop her in her tracks, because she always had been that way. Other members of my family that she knows came up to help look and they also saw her and called for her, with the same result I had. I was at a total loss of what to do. I didn’t want to leave and go home knowing they were out there and still alive but also I didn’t know what else to do to catch them. We tried food, we tried leaving things with our scent, which I think all helped in the end but we couldn’t get them to stop and come to us. After a random Google search I came across Loli and her phone number on a lost pets psychic website. It was funny because I called the lady who actually resided in Ohio (where we were) first on the website but got no answer. It was also Labor Day weekend which I knew would be hard to get a hold of anyone. But something told me to call this number. I was extremely skeptical. I’ve always heard stories about Animal Communicator‘s but I have never spent the money on one or believed it to be true. But desperate times called for desperate measures. Of course I wanted to try everything I could to find them. Given the situation Loli made time for us and spoke to the first dog that we had seen several times. She told her to come back to our horse trailer which we stay in the living quarters. My dog told her that there were strange people in there and she couldn’t go back because her people were gone. This floored me because there were strange (to them) people in there before we left for the hospital trying to help us and the dogs were very upset because they knew something bad happened. She told my dog that those strange people are gone and your people are there waiting for you. She told her not to stop looking until she found our trailer and go inside it. The sun was setting and we were still looking for her and I was again very skeptical on if this phone call was a waste because we still had not found her. Crazy enough, something woke me up in the middle of the night and I looked out the window and my dog was just standing still next to our trailer. Of course I jumped up but stayed cautious because I was worried I would spook her again, so I slowly opened the screen door and said her name and she jumped right inside wagging her tail. She jumped up in our bed and was so happy and relieved to find us. We had been within 10 feet of her several times that day but she would never come to us because she was so scared, but now after talking with Loli she knew it was OK to calm down and come to us.
I don’t believe in coincidences and I think everything happens for a reason so this experience has made me a true believer. I am so thankful that I randomly picked a lady in Florida to reach out to and that I gave it a chance. After we found the first dog we had almost lost hope on the second dog as no one had seen her at all and she was much older. I scheduled a new session with Loli and she spoke with her and told her to come back to the horse barns and not stop until she found someone in the horse barn. For several reasons we finally had to go home and hope for the best after hanging flyers and speaking with everyone who lived around there. A couple days went by and there was another horse show going on at the facility and sure enough people began to spot her. They called us and told us where they had saw her so of course we drove back up there, several hours away, to find her. We are so blessed and lucky to say that we brought both dogs that were missing home where they belong. I can’t think Loli enough and I truly believe we would not have had the ending that we did without her help.” Alexa McWilliams, Kentucky
“Mind Blown, last Friday Bronson’s urine was loaded with white blood cells (from infection). (I did Pranic healing session on Sunday) His preliminary tests showed no white blood cells, on Monday (day after healing).” Cheryl Cowling, BC, Canada
"Annie is no longer Lame. Since healing session with Annie has been moving around like a totally different horse since the healing session! Within a few days of the healing session she seemed much more bright and vibrant than she has in the past, just her presence felt different. As far as her lameness, I began noticing her running, jumping, bucking and playing in the field a lot more than in the past. Previously, she would only do these things every once in a while and she would have an evident limp while doing anything strenuous a lot of the time. However, she now does all of these things almost every day when she is turned outside and since our initial follow-up conversation I have not really noticed her limping at all. " Lyndsey Landis, Farmersville, OH
"Our cat, Samson, got hit by a car and had severe trauma and a head injury. He was near death! Loli used precise healing techniques on our cat and by the end of the session he was looking up, meowing, and walking around. It was extremely beneficial and I would recommend it to anyone! Chris, Kihei, Maui, HI
“Animal communication had been calling me for many months, primarily because my mission in life has been to heal animals naturally and do all I can to extend their quality of existence. But sometimes, you just feel like you're missing something. I didn't fully apply myself to trying it out until being guided to Loli Jane in late January. Initially, my goal was to have her communicate with my darling soulmate in order to see what I wasn't able to pinpoint in regards to some health issues. After a series of various healing sessions and successes with Loli, I decided to dive into the phenomena and take her all-day Intro to Animal Communication workshop. The class was incredible, personal, amazing, detailed, informative, and beyond anything I could've imagined! Loli took us step by step into the telepathic world of communication on so many levels. We received insights to everything I thought could never be possible. From backstories, approaches to the energy exchanges, strategies to acquire comforting relationships with each animal, to specific designs of questions, to marketing... we were given a plethora of valuable tools to take with us on our own journeys. In addition to that, we were given the opportunity to not only speak with our own pets during the course, but to also communicate with the other students' pets! As challenging as parts of it were and could be, you'd be completely shocked at the power we all have within, especially when you start learning how to decipher your own thoughts and signs versus the animal you're communicating with. They say that you'll never know if you can do anything unless you try. And animal communication isn't something that develops overnight. But the fellow classmates were amazing and it was such a pleasure to be able to see if we could pull something important out of each other's pets. Not only was that class a life-changing class, but I made some life long friends out of it as well. All you can do is give it a shot to see if it's for you. I did, and I couldn't be more thankful that I finally tucked away the fears and took that leap. The classes are extremely affordable as well. And trust that I researched the entire internet and couldn't find anything remotely close to being reasonable. If it's calling you, then I strongly suggest not to send that call to voice mail. It will be one of the most beneficial investments you make in yourself and your mission to help pets and animals. Thank you, Loli Jane, for the chance to enhance my animal communication skills. I look forward to the next class in the series!” Always and Furever, Mikki, Furever Soulmates, Santa Fe, NM
“Thank You so much for your meaningfu presentation this afternoon at our Theosophical Society venue on meeting one's animal guides. Speaking with several attendees reveled that with your help, the people who participated were able to meet with thier personal animal ((and birds and fish guides). Most had experiences with three various animals and found the enitre event very helpful and satisyfying. You have a wonderful gift, Loli, and we appreciate your sharing it with us. And hope you will do so again in the not-to-distant future. Thanks ever so much. Love & Light” Lillian for Brain Burns, President of the Theosophical Society, Miami, FL
"Loli’s insights when connecting with Noble Moon were so right on and brought insight on how we can be interact and respect Noble Moon. Loli was spot on with the ascended master and how Noble heals and teaches from afar. I would highly recommend Loli for anyone wanting a deeper understanding of their four legged friends. Loli is very in tuned with the horses, she was meant to connect with these horses, perfect synchronicity. Just hearing Noble Moons, voice, it was awesome. Just hearing what she had to say, and all the universal laws. You tuned in really organically and things just flowed. I liked how you addressed the questions in different ways, and to get to the point, and the translations!"Also, Nobel Moon had chronic rhinitis and sinusitis (runny nose and wheezing), and now after healing session with Loli her runny nose and wheezing sound is completely gone." Gratitude, Sonya Richens, Founder of Wild Heart Sanctuary, Park City UT
"Loli tuned into our Lead Wild Mustang Stallion Kokopelli and had some amazing insights. She suggested we put an energetic border around the sanctuary….we did this on full moon :) She pinpointed where the pain was coming from on his left shoulder and also did a healing on him. He is doing a lot better. Loli is very intune with the horses during her sessions & has enlightened me on many needs and situations with the wild horses here. I am very grateful she has taken all this time and feedback; and was very helpful on needs and solutions for Kokopelli and we are very grateful! We highly recommend Loli for any of your intuitive needs with your 4 legged kids…..For The Horses. Sonya Richens, Wild Heart Sanctuary, Park City, UT
"Vashti , now renamed to True-Spirit (thanks to Loli), was so happy, and running around and bucking..I've never seen he this happy! After communication session with Loli, we did a Yoga Retreat we followed Loli's advice and cleared the peoples energy first with OM and Palo Santos and had the people call Vashti True-Spirit and approach without their hands, but more telepathy. True Spirit was thrilled. I've never seen her this excited, she’s usually quiet and stays out of the way." Sonya Richens, Founder of Wild Heart Sanctuary, Park City, UT
As lighter, smaller version of the Photon Genie, the GoGenie which weighs only 2 lbs. (4 lbs. with the travel case). The GoGenie transmits the same body-friendly, harmonic energy as the Photon Genie. This harmonic energy supports the body’s natural innate intelligence for overall wellness. As you use the GoGenie, it promotes balance throughout you pet's body. When the body becomes more balanced, you may sense a broad spectrum of wellness. This includes experiencing the body’s natural ability for regeneration and repair.
Generates and delivers the benefits of bio-available energy nourishment, similar to what we receive naturally from the sun, the earth, and other beneficial universal energy fields. Enjoy life-force energy to your animal's body (or you) with the Photon Genie technology. This electric energy may positively affect body communications, functions, and rejuvenation on a cellular level.
(These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA BUT are approved by the European Union (EU)
Our animal's bodies are NOT just mechanical, bio-chemical machines. They are energy and bio-photonic beings. That’s why their bodies respond to light, heat, sound and color. Every cell in the body is a transmitter & receiver of electro-magnetic and bio-photonic information. How can this impact their day-to-day lives? Feeling great is possible, if their body is functioning at its best. Environmental contaminants assail our bodies daily, while poor diet and habits slowly take a toll. The Super Sauna (Photon Genius) is designed to address many shortcomings created by modern lifestyles. It’s no wonder that people and their animals, who use the Super Sauna (Photon Genius), rave about the incredible results..
To Book an Animal Communication or Healing Session or Training Workshop:
To Book a Session, I will need three things: A completed Client Intake Form, your animal’s image, and the invoice paid. (By paying the invoice, you are agreeing, that you have read and agree to Terms and Conditions, including the Refund Policy) The Client Intake form, can be downloaded, from my website at animals-speak.com or I can email you a form. If you need help or can’t open the form, we can complete the Client Intake, over the phone. The Client Intake is required to get details about your issue or your animal’s issue, get your questions, and other relevant information which can help me in the session.
To Book a Training Workshop, you may click on event links to pay for workshop or email me at lolijaneanimalcommunication@gmail.com so I can send you an invoice. You will receive a full set of notes and Zoom links the day before the workshop. (By paying for the workshop using event links or invoice from me, you are agreeing, that you have read and agree to Terms and Conditions, including the Refund Policy)
I will be directly talking to your animal, using telepathic communication. Telepathy is the language animals use, and a learned, innate skill of humans. Telepathy is done using thoughts, words, images and anything to do with the five senses, to talk to your animal, remotely or in-person. I will ask animal all of your questions, plus ask my own questions, related to specific issues including but not limited to: behavioral issues, emotional issues or obedience and training issues, physical and health issues, animal mirroring, death, dying and end of life decisions; talking to animals that have passed and are in Spirit; Past Lives; and help getting details to locate lost animals. I am a professional certified animal communicator and will do my absolute best. Sometimes, you may not agree with, like or even believe what your animal is communicating, and may even disagree, with what your animal shared with me. I cannot assume responsibility for the reactions you may have from your animal’s messages or details given to me. If there is any confusion from you or your animals, or if you have questions about the information received, please let me know during our phone session, and I will take the time to clarify information.
Behavioral/Emotional & Training/Obedience:
This type of session goes beyond just training an animal to be obedient. We will communicate directly with your animal to find out and address root causes of your animal’s behavioral issues. We will offer solutions and set manageable goals together, based on what your animal tells us they need from you to change a behavior. We will also address if the animal is mirroring anyone in the family (see animal mirroring below)
Physical & Health:
This type of session is beneficial to find root causes and get details of pain, injury, trauma, acute illness, or chronic disease. This session can provide you with valuable details to give to your veterinarian, to assist in their diagnosis and treatment by providing the location of the pain, the sensations, how long they’ve had it, when did it start and the pain level. If your animal is mirroring you or someone in the family, we will address this as well. (see animal mirroring) Session includes energetic body scan. We also offer remote Pranic Healing and Chakra Balancing sessions (see below).
Animal Mirroring:
This type of session will allow you to see if your animal is mirroring something that you really need to see or work on, in your own life. Just like our partners, spouses, and children mirror us, so do our animals. Animals can mirror behavioral or emotional states as well as physical issues, injuries, illness or even chronic disease. If this is brought up in a session; no amount of treatment or training given to your animal will resolve the issue because your animal will not be willing to release the issue, until you work on yourself;
Death, Dying & End of Life:
This type of session will provide you with timely help with death, dying and end of life decisions. If you’ve ever loved and animal, you would know death and dying issues are very, very difficult. Sometimes you are not ready to let-go, or just can’t, however, sometimes, you animal is ready to go. They will share their readiness (or not) to leave their body, how they would like to be remembered and acknowledged, how they would like to be memorialized, if they are coming back to you again.
Talking to Animals in Spirit, that have passed:
This type of session will give help you with grief and sadness after losing your beloved animal. I can ask whatever questions you may have unanswered, and tell them whatever you wish to share. I can find out how their transition was, where they are now, if they met up with any other animals or human family, how they enjoyed their life with you, how they would like to be remembered and acknowledged, how they would like to be memorialized and when they are coming back to you…after all, they are your soul-family!
Past Lives:
This type of session is beneficial, when you have an animal (alive or passed-on) that you have a very, very deep connection with. This is a deep therapeutic session, where I go into three past lives with you and your beloved animal, about particular issues in your life. Be prepared because it’s deep work!
Lost Animals:
Working with lost animals is one of the most challenging cases to work on. There is no guarantee that through the consultation and through the information received that the animal will be found. Unfortunately, there are too many elements that we are not in control of. I will do my best in
determining whether the animal is still in his body or not. And I will find out why the animal left home and if they are willing to come back, whether the animal is still roaming around or has been picked up and the details associated with that. I will not be able to give you an address because that is not how the animal sees the world. The animal sees the world by the environment in which s/he is in. Therefore, I will focus on the details of the environment where the animal is: type of ground, houses, buildings, roof tops, type trees, plants, flowers, a body of water, type and color of cars, other animals, type fences, things that can be heard, smells, etc. After the consultation is finished, the animal does not continue to talk with me or send me new images. lf at any time after you have looked to find the area that was described, you can set up a new paid consultation with me in perhaps a week or two. Lost Animal cases take the most amount of time, and require many hours talking to animals, to get details and then discussing details with the person. Please see refund policy below. There will be no credits or refunds issued.
I will be using a non-touch technique, called Pranic Healing or External Medical Qi Gong, used by the US Pranic Healing Association, and Institute for Asian Studies. I will also be doing chakra balancing session for emotional, trauma, or physical problems. Sessions can be done remotely or in-person. On both animals and humans; and works very quickly and effectively. Healing sessions are do not replace allopathic or veterinary medicine; nor do diagnose or prescribe treatments. I do make recommendations Animal Aromatherapy. I do not communicate with the animal, while I am doing a healing session; nor do I provide session notes. I highly recommend doing an Animal Communication Sessions are first; so I can get root causes and details, especially if it is an animal mirroring case (see animal mirroring).
Animal Communication Training Workshops are live, on zoom, intensive (approximately 7 hours each) training workshops, including specific practice with real animals and clients, to prepare you how to talk telepathically to animals and deliver information and suggestions to pet parents or caretakers. Training workshops are designed with everyone in mind, including: animal lovers, pet parents, caretakers, current Animal Communicators that need more training, and those who would like to become Professional Animal Communicators. Workshops 1-9 are for everyone and Workshops 10-13 are for professionals only. If you complete all thirteen workshops, you will receive a Professional Animal Communication Certification. Workshop 1: Introduction to Animal Communication is the prerequisite for all the other workshops, and must be taken first. All workshops are non-refundable. No refunds or credits will be given. If you miss a workshop, you will not be credited or refunded the amount, since I have to secure practice animals and clients for each student, ahead of time. In addition, you will be receiving a full set of notes, of the entire workshop, the day before each workshop.
One-Hour mentoring/coaching sessions, for Animal Communicators in Training, attending my workshops or others workshops or Animal Communicators, currently practicing, who need extra coaching on dealing with particular animal issues.
Live channeled one-hour session by phone, to allow you to connect with your angels and guides, ask questions and receive divine guidance.
THERE ARE NO CREDITS OR REFUNDS for any animal communication, energy healing or other services or training workshops. I am a professional animal communicator and energy healer. I spend a many, many hours during an animal communication and/or healing session to the best of my professional abilities and work compassionately and ethically to communicate and heal animals and humans. Sometimes, you may not agree with, like or even believe what your animal is communicating, and may even disagree, with what your animal shared with me. I cannot assume responsibility for the reactions you may have from your animal’s messages. If there is any confusion from you or your animals, or if you have questions about the information received, please let me know during our phone session, and I will take the time to clarify information. By paying this invoice you are agreeing to this refund policy and all other terms and conditions.
Additionally, NO CREDITS OR REFUNDS will be issued for Pranic Healing sessions that have already been given. Although Pranic Healing can be beneficial to supporting the body’s natural self-healing abilities, no Pranic Healer practitioner can guarantee that it will help improve the quality of life for any animal or human. We do not diagnose, prescribe, or treat any medical or mental health condition. Pranic Healing and/or Animal Communication is not a replacement for qualified veterinary care.
Please read carefully.
You, the Consumer, are solely responsible for understanding the terms of service and refund policy. By purchasing a product or service, or donating, you (herein referred to as “Client”) agree to the following terms stated herein.
All information shared in Animal Communication Workshops, Chakra Balancing Workshops, and in private consultations and healing are meant to facilitate health, balance, and well-being of an animal or person. All written materials, lectures, discussions, question and answer sessions, references to other modalities, products, and practitioners are means to provide information through workshops and consultations. At no time is the information provided meant to be a replacement for traditional medical care, veterinary treatment, or a medical diagnosis for illness or injury. We do not diagnose medical issues, offer medical advice, prescribe drugs, or perform surgery on any animal. Please consult a licensed medical or veterinary practitioner for medical care and to appropriate professionals for the service you are seeking. I have read and understand the above statement. I understand that this practitioner is not a veterinarian and that the consultation/treatment/therapy/advice is not to be construed as veterinary medical advice. I hereby release and hold harmless Lori Heimberg and Loli Jane Animal Communication & Healing®, their associates and/or their agents, from liability due to accident or damage to self or animal, and/or personal property, and from loss of property resulting during or after said consultation or workshop in the following
of any suggestions, information, instruction or advice given by Lori Heimberg and Loli Jane Animal Communication & Healing®, their associates and/or their agents. I as owner, or agent of the owner, agree to have this consultation for animal(s) and by my payment of and participation in said consultation, give my consent and agree to adhere to all terms of this agreement and release form above. Products listed on this website are not purchased through Loli Jane Animal Communication & Healing®, but are sold and warrantied through the respective, product manufacturers. I am merely a representative for the product manufacturers. If you are interested in buying a product, I will be referring you to the manufacturer for a direct sale and shipping of their products. I hereby release and hold harmless Lori Heimberg and Loli Jane Animal Communication & Healing®, their associates and/or their agents, from product liability due to accident or damage to self or animal, and/or personal property, and from loss of property resulting from product purchases by Lori Heimberg and Loli Jane Animal Communication & Healing®, their associates and/or their agents.
I agree that Loli Jane Animal Communication & Healing® may use my name, likeness, any testimonial evidence I provide and/or any material obtained from me during the course of interviews and/or consultations and may quote me using my name, for the purpose of promoting Loli Jane Animal Communication & Healing. You may also reproduce, publish, license and otherwise use my name and any material obtained from me in connection with (i) the exploitation of any rights thereto in any media now known or hereafter known throughout the world, including derivative works; and (ii) the advertising, packaging, sale, promotion and distribution of media connected to Lori Heimberg and/or Loli Jane Animal Communication & Healing® and derivative work. (iii) I agree that I will not, nor authorize others to, make, assert or institute against you or anyone else who may publish, advertise, sell or distribute any version of the testimonial or any advertising or promotional materials therefore any claim or demand whatsoever based upon the use authorized herein. I acknowledge that I am to receive no compensation from any reproduction, publication or other use of my name and testimonial as authorized herein. I hereby release, discharge, and hold harmless Loli Jane Animal Communication & Healing ®, Lori Heimberg, and/or her agents, or anyone else who may publish, advertise, sell or distribute any version of this testimonial from any and all claims, demands, or actions that I may have by reason of the use of my name, photographs and quotes or other material from me. I agree that unless specifically noted to the contrary in writing, nothing described in any interview or information I have supplied is to be held as confidential. You are under no obligation to include any reference to me, or to use any materials about me therein. I have read and agree with the terms of this agreement. This agreement shall be binding upon each of our respective agents, heirs, successors and assigns.
By paying your invoice for services or training workshops, denotes that you have read and accept the above Terms and Conditions.